CLEAN LIFE Real World.

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Lactation Granola Bites

Lactation Granola Bites

Are you a nursing mom looking to increase milk production? Have you looked for lactation cookies but can’t find one that is healthy for you, allergy friendly and does the job? Now you have! I introduce… Lactation Granola Bites.

I really struggled with breastfeeding and making enough milk for one of my kids and remember searching for lactation cookies, or frankly anything that will help milk production, and never really found one that worked for me and my diet. For the most part, I stayed away from lactation cookies. They do help you produce more milk BUT they are usually loaded with sugar, gluten and dairy… no thank you!

I have so many friends having babies right now, which is totally giving me baby fever. Well, one of them saw the Grain Free Granola Cookies I made and asked if I could turn them into a healthier version of lactation cookies.

Challenge accepted and Lactation Granola Bites were born!

These allergy friendly lactation bites are Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Dairy Free, and Egg Free. I didn’t make them Nut Free because I wanted the healthy fats from the nuts.

3 requirements for the lactation cookies:

  1. Healthy Fats

  2. Organic Gluten Free Oats

  3. Brewers Yeast

Note on the brewers yeast… I promise you won’t taste it with the cinnamon and vanilla. However, it will make your house smell like beer while they are baking… ha!

You may notice I talk about lactation cookies but call these Lactation Granola Bites. That’s because this is not going to be your traditional cookie… in a good way. These won’t be as sweet or soft as a cookie. They are also more crunchy like granola.

You can eat these as often as you like and not feel guilty about all the bad stuff that goes along with a typical lactation cookie… this is a “cookie” you can eat and feel good about!


Elena XOXO

*While this is not a grain free recipe, you can make it one by subbing the oats for sunflower seeds. You loose some of the benefits in milk production but not much because you still have 2 of the other must have ingredients.

See this content in the original post

If you tried this recipe, leave us a comment below and tag us {@cleanliferealworld} on your Instagram so we can share! Enjoy!