CLEAN LIFE Real World.

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Quick Pickled Onions

Something about Pickled Onions that seem to take any dish to the next level. Most pickled onions take time and have sugar in them (which is a no in my world). This version is fast, only a few clean ingredients and zero sugar… that’s a good recipe in my books!

These take about as much time as it takes you to slice onions and boil water… well maybe about 1 - 2 minutes longer. But that’s pretty quick.

Here I have them on carnitas (take my pulled pork recipe and crisp it up in a frying pan with a little oil), add to a BBQ sandwiches (take my pulled pork recipe and heat with BBQ Sauce for a cheater version) or top your burger… the possibilities are endless!

With only 4 simple and clean ingredients, you may be surprised how easy these onions are to make:

  • Onions (prefer red)

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Water

  • Salt

Go ahead and give it a try… if you do, please let me know below.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!

Elena XOXO

Note - The onions will last in the fridge for about a week.

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If you tried this recipe, leave us a comment below and tag us {@cleanliferealworld} on your Instagram so we can share! Enjoy!