
Clean Eating

CLEAN EATING isn’t just about eliminating toxins and harmful chemicals from our foods and beverages—it’ is also about getting back to the basics. True wholesome foods that do our bodies good. Think… If it was made in a plant it’s not good for us BUT if it was made from a plant is is!

Switching to Clean Easting can be overwhelming at first, I know. Here is a good place to start:

  1. Avoid Processed Foods, if possible. Many contain preservatives, additives and artificial flavors and colorings. Even “natural flavors” aren’t always what you would consider natural to eat.  If you do buy processed or packaged foods then read the labels!

    • Avoid any products:

      1. that contain ingredients that just don’t seem like they need to be there

      2. you can’t pronounce (and yes, I sometimes google ingredients)

      3. that seem to have a really long ingredient list

    • Note: Compare ingredient lists of different brands to get an idea of what should be there. 

  2. Make as much of your own food as you can— that way you know exactly what you are eating!

  3. Buy Organic Produce when possible. The USDA Organic logo means it is grown from organic seeds and without toxins or synthetic pesticides. The Environmental Working Group releases 2 lists every year that I reference these for purchasing produce:

    1. Dirty Dozen - worst produce for pesticides/toxins and you should always buy these organic

    2. Clean Fifteen - least amount of pesticides/toxins and you can buy regular, non-organic 

  4. Avoid GMO’s (genetically modified organism) if possible - The “Non-GMO Project Verified” logo means grown from non-GMO seeds, tested for potential GMO contamination but it can be grown with toxic, synthetic pesticides.

    • Note: If something is Certified Organic it should also be free of GMO’s but that is not always the case. “Non-GMO” may be grown conventionally with non-organic methods and does not guarantee organic. Ideally look for both labels.

  5. Eat Grass-Fed beef, Pasture Raised poultry, pork and eggs and Wild Caught seafood. If that is not available then get Organic – think about it… whatever the animals eat, you eat too! 

    • Note: Grass-Fed, Pasture Raised and Wild Caught means animals roam and eat their original, natural and intended diet. Organic means the animals that are still fed grains and feed but the food they are feed is organic. These animals are not roaming in fields and are not eating their natural diets.

  6. Drink Filtered Water - City water sources are contaminated with chemicals to clean and purify our water plus run off from pesticides and chemicals in our environment.  

While this list may seem intimidating, maybe start with one item. Get adjusted to that and then move on and adding a new one. In time, these will become habit and you won’t think twice about it!

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