The Pyramid of Health
The Pyramid of Health: Body, Mind, and Spirit
Health is not the absence of disease but the wellbeing of our Body, Mind and Spirit
“Health is not just the absence of disease but the wholeness that involves physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing."
- Sadhguru
Health incorporates the Body, the Mind, and the Spirit. Healing must incorporate all of these too… this has been incredibly true in my own healing journey! When my clients address all areas, body, mind and spirit, they not only heal much faster but also find much more peace, calmness and happiness in their life.
Body - our physical being that allows us to interact in the world
Mind - our subconscious that makes us "run"; like a computer program running in the background
Spirit - the energy within that gives us power and what makes us “us”
The body, the mind, and the spirit make up our being. From my own experience, and borrowing Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, I equate their place in our being to a pyramid; the spirit, mind, and body stacking on top of one another.
We must have a physical body to exist on this planet and walk around. Our mind, the subconscious mind, rules our body and tells it what to do regardless of our awareness (example: your heart beating, swallowing, breathing, etc.). Our spirit rules over all of it, making us unique and connecting us to something greater; when the spirit detaches from the physical body, we cease to exist.
I call this - The Pyramid of Health.
All areas of our being must be addressed to completely heal. We can address them in any order that works for us; however, they all must be addressed and addressing the top of the pyramid, the spirit, has a trickle down affect to everything below it. We can have a sick body with a sick mind but we can’t have a sick body with a healthy mind. With that said, it is very difficult to have a healthy mind and a clear connection to the spirit when the body is toxic.
The body, mind, and spirit are all interwind. Living a Clean Life leads to a healthy, happy, and vibrant life.
My healing journey started at the bottom of the pyramid, working my way up to the top. Looking back, it was like climbing a mountain… doable and achievable but the long and more difficult path. Alternatively, when we start by healing the spirit and the mind, it’s like taking a lift to the top and skiing down with more grace, ease, and speed. Clients that address all three at the same time SOAR!
My Climb up the Mountain
I spent most of my life, until 2020 focusing on the physical body. I focused on my diet, exercise, supplements, cutting chemicals and toxins (in the physical form) everywhere I could. These all had their place and all certainly helped; however at the end of the day, I was surviving… just surviving. If I ate the perfect diet, had the perfect amount of sleep, exercised just enough, etc…. then I could function in the world. If one thing was off, I was done.
I kept searching for answers for a better life… a healthier life. Every doctor said I was doing everything right except for addressing stress. I didn’t really understand what stress was at the time… my life was good. I was a stay at home mom, I drove carpool and after school sports, cooked most of our food, volunteered for charities, the church, the school… the list goes on.
It wasn’t until the world shut down in March 2020 and it all stopped. I realized my life was stressful… sitting in Houston traffic for hours a day, juggling all the activities, showing up for those that need me, managing all of my food... While I didn’t perceive any of this as stressful, my body sure did. When the world shut down, nothing in my “physical” life changed but my health soared to a new level. The lightbulb went off… I began to explore the mind and its control over the body.
As I began to grow, I made a New Year’s promise to my self in 2021 - honor myself and be true to myself no matter what! This meant being true to myself, my beliefs and my needs. It was time to stop putting others needs and feelings before my own and put “me” first. Like the oxygen mask on an airplane, put the mask on myself and then help others. What I didn't realize at the time, I was honoring my spirit and reconnecting with my spirit. This lead to an incredible journey, that once again, raised my health to another level… this time not just physically, emotionally too. I found the most peace and happiness I have ever had in my entire life. My entire being now in alignment and working better than I ever imagined.
My journey isn’t over… growing is something I will continue to work on until the day I die. I am incredibly grateful for this journey! My life is so much better because of it. I love sharing what I have learned, guiding others on their journey and witnessing the incredible changes in thier lives.
We all have an option on how we take our journey… everyone’s looks different.
Which path do you choose… start at the bottom and hike to the top, start at the top and ski down or something in between? Regardless of your path, all aspects need to be address a clean so we can see clearly. I am here to guide and assist you on that journey no matter where you choose to start. Just taking the first step is key. Keep taking steps, no matter if it is climbing up or skiing down… you will succeed!
I hope you found this helpful! If so, please pass on and share.
Elena XOXO
Tools for the Pyramid of Healing
Some of my favorite tools that I have used on my journey and most still use to this day.
Grounding, Sunshine and Nature - free, powerful and easy to do, no matter where you are
Cell Core - the BEST supplement line providing the foundations of life (C, H, O and charged particles, which mare up 96% of what our body needs to survive) and changing lives!
King Coffee - Coffee with a major boost… reishi mushrooms spores incredibly powerful and healing
AMD Ionic Foot Bath - the most gentle and effective detox therapy the whole family can use
Therasage - IR Sauna, Panel Red Light, Ozone Bubbler (discount code: CLRW) - all of their products assist the body in detoxification while supporting in healing
Red Light Therapy - affordable and easy way to improve your health
Coffee Enemas - clear out the waste and the liver, while boosting glutathione production by 700x
Ziva Meditation, Emily Fletcher “Stress Less, Accomplish More” - I was never able to mediate until I found Emily Fletcher… her approach changed my world
TriVibrance - essential oils, energy protection, manifestations, and meditations (code: CLRW) - all their products and tools are about reconnecting the body and the mind, brining coherence to your energy
doTERRA Essential Oils - some favorite blends (Balance, Adaptive, Zendocrine, OnGaurd) - great oil blends to improve the body and the mind
Brain Tap - meditation meets hypnosis, light, and sound therapy to rebalance and center the body and mind
DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System) - brain retraining (rewiring the brain) to reset the limbic system and set new neuron pathways that break the patterns of chronic illness
Mind Body Sprit Release - easiest way I have found to realign the body, mind and spirit releasing old energy and patterns that no longer serve us
V.I.B.E. Bed - increase personal vibration and energy by realigning the body, mind, and spirit on a cellular level and releasing what doesn’t serve the body
Solfeggio Frequencies - bring harmony and balance to the body; each frequency aligns with a different aspect of the body, mind, and spirit
Via Character Strength Survey - reconnect with the best parts of yourself with with free survey that identifies your top core strengths that you use without thinking about and can rely on in difficult times to pull you through
Demartini Institue - helping you discover your values and purpose
Have questions, thoughts, or your own tips & tricks? I would love to hear from you! Let’s get social—find me on social media or share right here by using the comment box below.