Glass Theory: Toxic Burden & Disease
Glass Theory
As Toxic Burdens Increase, Health Declines
Think of a child in a bathtub with a cup under the faucet; the child quickly learns that the cup can only hold so much water before it overflows. This is how I look at our health… I refer to it as The Glass Theory. You are the cup and the Toxic Burdens are the water. We can only hold so much before we start to overflow, showing signs of disease, or dis-ease. To bring optimal health back into our lives, we must empty the glass faster than we are filling it up.
What happens if the glass overflows? Dis-ease sets in. The body no longer works as it was designed to. It is much less resilient, possibly tapped out, and has little to no reserves left to fight. Event the addition of one single, tiny, little drop still overflows… even if it’s “good” for you. This is when the body may become sensitive to everything. This was me 2018-2019.
Can we do something about it? Absolutely! Lower the glass by reducing the burdens on the body (body, mind and spirit) and improving drainage. In other words, empty the glass faster than you can fill it up. This creates a more resilient body, with a larger health reserve and more room to fight.
This is what I did for myself and I do for my clients. I help identify the burdens on the body and ways to open drainage in order to lower the glass. I am always in aww of how miraculous the body is… once we lower the toxic burden, the body can do what it was designed to do… heal itself, restore itself!
How full is your glass?
As I mentioned, water is everything we put “in” our body: physically, mentally, and emotionally… it all adds up! Read The Pyramid of Health to learn more about the connection of the body, mind and spirit.
We all have a limit of what we can hold and we were all made differently. Some of us have a very large glass and some of us have a small one. Some of us can drain the glass quickly and some of us have to work at it. The size of the glass and the ability to drain it is related to our genetics. What you put in your glass, what you fill it with… well, that is all on you!!!
This is why lifestyle is the major factor in your health, not genetics.
Examples of things we fill our glass with:
Food and Water
Environmental Exposures - mold, pesticides, fungicides, VOC’s, EMF’s, etc.
Heavy Metals - found in pharmaceuticals, deodorant, cooking materials, and more
Toxins and chemicals - found in food, water, cleaning products, personal care products and much more
Pathogens - parasites, lyme, bacteria and viruses
Stress - the nervous system staying in a constant state of “fight or flight” (watching the news, too much exercise, busy “go, go, go” lifestyle, lack of sleep, sitting in traffic... oh this list is long and was very hard for me to recognize)
Trauma - especially child hood trauma, but can be any experience that the body doesn’t know how to regulate and leaves an imprint on the body
Emotions that are trapped or haven't been properly dealt with, lingering in the subconscious mind
This list could go on and on… these are all contributing to our glass filling up.
what to do
We must:
Limit our exposures, where we can, to slow the rate that we fill our glass
Drain the toxins (body, mind and spirit) before the glass overflows
Keep the glass low, stay aware of how full it is and stay ahead of it so it doesn’t get full again
Reducing your Glass
To lower the glass and increase resiliency, we need to reduce our Toxic Burden and empty the glass. This allows the body’s natural resilience to increase, giving the body has more room to fight with grace and ease.
This must be addressed in all areas of our being: body, mind, and spirit, as I discuss in the Pyramid of Health. Mind Body Spirit Release has been an incredible tool in helping me, and our clients, lower the glass from all aspects of our being.
Body - We must clear the physical body of the toxins and pathogens that block it from working as it was designed to work. This includes clearing mold/mycotoxins, fungus and candida, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, glyphosate, radiation and radioactive elements, parasites and more.
Mind - The mind is a powerful tool that controls the body. We must work towards clearing the mind (physically and emotionally) to reconnect with the body. This includes addressing emotions, relationships, traumas, subconscious beliefs and reducing stress. Reducing stress, to me, is more about the nervous system… incorporating enough rest and relaxation in our lives so we can get into a state of health and healing and out of a state of “fight, flight or freeze”.
Spirit - We need to reconnect and realign with our spirit, our purpose and our drive… honor ourselves. When we reconnect with our spirit, it becomes much easier to recognize what is good for us and what is not.
Lowering the glass doesn’t have to happen all at once or some giant leap. Slow the rate you are filling your glass by making changes and reducing your exposures moving forward. Remember… little changes are better than no changes at all! If you find that you still are not feeling your best, you may need to look into how well you are draining what was already there.
Regardless of someone’s health complaints, I always say “lets clear the body, then let’s see what we are dealing with.” I find that once the glass is low and the body is cleared… there really isn’t much left to deal with.
Clear the past, be aware of the present, and you will change your future.
How full is your glass? I hope you found this helpful! If so, please pass on and share.
Elena XOXO
Note: It is important to reduce toxins moving forward but we must also clear the ones from the past. Starting in 2016, I became very aware of my exposures and limiting toxins everywhere I could. Doing this definitely helped, improving my help; however, I was still just surviving. I realized that I wasn’t clearing what was in my glass from before. In 2020, I started draining my glass from the past and changed the game… leading me to an entirely different life, one that is thriving with a big health reserve!
Some of my favorite tools that I have used on my journey and most still use to this day.
Grounding, Sunshine and Nature - free, powerful and easy to do, no matter where you are
Cell Core - the BEST supplement line providing the foundations of life (C, H, O and charged particles, which mare up 96% of what our body needs to survive) and changing lives!
King Coffee - Coffee with a major boost… reishi mushrooms spores incredibly powerful and healing
AMD Ionic Foot Bath - the most gentle and effective detox therapy the whole family can use
Therasage - IR Sauna, Panel Red Light, Ozone Bubbler (discount code: CLRW) - all of their products assist the body in detoxification while supporting in healing
Red Light Therapy - affordable and easy way to improve your health
Coffee Enemas - clear out the waste and the liver, while boosting glutathione production by 700x
Ziva Meditation, Emily Fletcher “Stress Less, Accomplish More” - I was never able to mediate until I found Emily Fletcher… her approach changed my world
TriVibrance - essential oils, energy protection, manifestations, and meditations (code: CLRW) - all their products and tools are about reconnecting the body and the mind, brining coherence to your energy
doTERRA Essential Oils - some favorite blends (Balance, Adaptive, Zendocrine, OnGaurd) - great oil blends to improve the body and the mind
Brain Tap - meditation meets hypnosis, light, and sound therapy to rebalance and center the body and mind
DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System) - brain retraining (rewiring the brain) to reset the limbic system and set new neuron pathways that break the patterns of chronic illness
Mind Body Sprit Release - easiest way I have found to realign the body, mind and spirit releasing old energy and patterns that no longer serve us
V.I.B.E. Bed - increase personal vibration and energy by realigning the body, mind, and spirit on a cellular level and releasing what doesn’t serve the body
Solfeggio Frequencies - bring harmony and balance to the body; each frequency aligns with a different aspect of the body, mind, and spirit
Via Character Strength Survey - reconnect with the best parts of yourself with with free survey that identifies your top core strengths that you use without thinking about and can rely on in difficult times to pull you through
Demartini Institue - helping you discover your values and purpose
Have questions, thoughts, or your own tips & tricks? I would love to hear from you! Let’s get social—find me on social media or share right here by using the comment box below.
Dr. Jill Carnahan: What is your Total Toxic Burden?
Getting Healthier: Toxic Burden
Drainage 101: Why its the 1st Step in Your Detox Journey
How Environmental Toxins Can Impact Your Health
Dis-Ease and the Role of the Mind Body Soul Connection
The Mind Body Connection: not just a theory anymore
7 Ways Mediation Benefits Every Part of Your Body - Ziva Mediation