Elena B. Peden, BCN, BCHHP
Naturopathic Quantum Healer
Board Certified Naturopath, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Mind Body Spirit Release Practitioner and Founder/Owner of Clean Life Real World (CLRW).
“I started CLRW based on my own health journey. In 2016, I learned that the standard American lifestyle was not working for me. Our medical system left me with little to no answers to my continuous health problems, so I turned towards my #1 character strength - Love of Learning. I started digging, researching, and experimenting on myself looking for a better way of life. At age 39, I had been diagnosed with early onset dementia, was allergic to almost everything, and spent most days in bed… this was not living, and I was determined to find a better way. As I healed myself, I went back to school so I could help others do the same. Now I take the best of what I have learned and pass that on to my clients. It’s been a true joy to help others and empower them to take control of their health, while finding incredible peace and happiness along the way.” - Elena
Disclaimer - I am not medical doctors. I do not diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any medical diagnosis.
My Health Journey
I started the Clean Life Real World Instagram page in 2017 as a way to share what I was learning throughout my own health journey. At the time, I didn’t know what was making me sick but I knew Clean Living was imperative.
In my adult years, I began dealing with a multitude of issues from chronic allergies/sinusitis, stomach issues, female problems, anxiety, or depression, often tired and catching all the random “bugs” that went around. By 2019, at the age of 39, I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome leading to difficulty getting out of bed daily, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome with high amounts of allergies, and limited foods to eat (allergic 69 out of 72 items on a back test), every part of my body ached… you get the picture. I was not living - I was surviving.
Through extensive research and awareness, I discovered I was in control of my health, I could change things & I could heal my body!
In 2016, I had a sinus infection that lasted for 6 months and led to a 7-hour surgery. This became the catalyst for me to get serious about Clean Eating and a clean lifestyle... removing as many toxins and chemicals from my life that I could control.
My clean eating journey led to trying almost every healing diet protocol there was: from Candida Diet, Specific Carb Diet (SCD), Autoimmune Diet (AIP), Low Histamine Diet, Mold Free Diet, Low Sulfur Diet, Low FOD-MAP, Gluten Free, Dairy Free to Paleo. These all had a place and time in my healing, but I learned that diets, clean food, and clean products sometimes are NOT enough.
For me, mold toxicity was the culprit… but it is never one thing. Mold was just the straw that broke the camel’s back and sent my glass into major overflow! As I explain in The Glass Theory, our body is like a glass of water and the water is everything we put in it, good and bad. Our glass can only hold so much until one day, it overflows and we get sick. In order to reclaim my health, I learned that I needed to “drain my glass” by addressing ALL aspects of my being: physical, emotional, and spiritual (see the Pyramid of Health).
Living a Clean Life in the Real World means keeping the glass low and the drain open, so that we may enjoy this life to our fullest.
My hope for Clean Life Real World is that others can benefit from the knowledge and experiences I have gained through my personal health journey. I believe that Clean Living can be achieved and that it is possible in the real world!
Wishing you wellness!
Elena XOXO
Elena B. Peden