Challenge 1: Ditch Deodorant
Ditch Deodorant
The first challenge in the Clean Life Challenge is to Ditch your Deodorant! Yes, you read that right. Ditching your antiperspirant/deodorant might seem like a strange place to start and a little scary. However, now is a great time! We are supposed to stay 6 feet away from each other with social distancing because of COVID-19… no one will know you aren’t using it!
Our skin is our largest organ and what we put on it goes directly into our bloodstream… that includes your armpit. Our armpits contains tons of lymph nodes, which are an essential part of our immune system. So what you are putting on your pits is closely linked to your immune system… yikes!
Why Ditch your Antiperspirant/Deodorant:
Your Body needs to Sweat
Your body was made to sweat.. there are so many benefits to sweating. Temperature regulation is one benefit. It helps your body naturally cool down. Additionally, sweating is one of the ways your body detoxes and eliminates toxins. We need to eliminate toxins (see the glass theory)… You don’t want to block that pathway! The list of benefits go on. See sidebar or below for more resources.
Aluminum is Toxic
Aluminum is the main ingredient in antiperspirants. It prevents us from sweating by blocking our sweat ducts. Well, Aluminum is a heavy metal and toxic to our bodies. Now you are putting a toxic substance directly on the skin, right over your lymph nodes. Remember your skin absorbs what you put on it. Some studies show a link between Aluminum, Breast Cancer and Alzheimers. See side bar or below for more resources.
Other Toxic Ingredients
Most conventional antiperspirants and deodorants contain other harmful ingredients such as phthalates and parabens, which are proven endocrine disruptors… meaning they disrupt our hormones. In addition to these, most antiperspirants and deodorants use “fragrance” as an ingredient. While fragrance can be made from a natural source, like plants, it can also be made from chemicals that don’t have to be disclosed. The ingredient “fragrance” on a label can be a mix of over 100 toxic chemicals. Not good! There are many other concerning ingredients in deodorants. See sidebar or below for more resources.
Making the Ditch:
I made this ditch about 4 years ago and haven’t gone back. I still sweat some but I don’t smell or stink like I used to… I find the longer I go, the less I sweat.
With that said, your body will go through an adjustment period, a detox phase. During this period, your body detoxes the accumulation of toxins from years of antiperspirant/deodorant use. Initially, you will be sweaty and stinky. But hey, it’s not like you are going to be around anyone right now, anyway… that makes this a great time to “sweat it out”.
If you want to speed up this phase and aid your body in detoxifying, which can last about 3 weeks, there are masks you can do for your armpits. I haven't tried them but I have heard they are helpful. See sidebar or below for How to Detox your Armpits. Also, to help with any stench, you can wipe your pits with some rubbing alcohol… it really helps!
Now What?
Once you get past this detox period, your body will sweat a normal, necessary amount. As far as the stench… I notice the cleaner my diet and lifestyle, the less I smell. This can be a big motivator for sticking to a Clean Life and Clean Eating. If you start to stink… check out your diet!
If you want to give natural deodorants a try, these are my favorite:
Have I convinced you? Are you in? I hope you join me in this weeks challenge and stayed tuned for the next one!
Stay safe, healthy and happy!
Elena XOXO
Have questions, thoughts, or your own tips & tricks? I would love to hear from you! Let’s get social—find me on social media or share right here by using the comment box below.