Clean Eating During The Holidays

It wasn’t that long ago that we were in the thick of the holidays and the parties, celebrations and LOTS of food that comes along with them. While it can feel like a struggle, it is possible to eat clean during this time and it doesn’t have to be complicated and overwhelming. Here are some tips I use for myself and the kids during this busy time full of celebrations:

  1. Plan Ahead

    When possible, I think ahead about where we are going and what will be available for us to eat. 

    • If I’m hosting - I can easily plan ahead for food we can eat. I always make sure there is food we will enjoy, as well as food our guests will like too. I usually have a few staple appetizers in the freezer that I can pull out at any time.

    • If we are going to someone’s house and I can call them in advance - I call beforehand and ask what the menu is. This way I know what we can eat before we go and/or offer to bring something that we can eat. 

    • If I am going to someone’s house or a party where I can’t call in advance - I always eat or have a hearty snack before, just in case there isn’t anything I can eat at the party. I usually pack a bar or something in my purse, as well, just in case I am still hungry.

    • If we are going to a restaurant - I always look at the menu online ahead of time so I know what our options are. If I have questions, I can call ahead and ask, so I’m not “that person” once we get there. Sometimes the restaurant chosen isn’t a good fit with our diet and, if I have a comfortable relationship with the party host, I may recommend another option to the group. We can't always change the restaurant, but at least I know ahead of time and I am not surprised when we get there.

  2. Don’t Deprive

    I don't look at the holidays as a time to deprive myself, but rather an opportunity to focus on what it is I can have and then enjoy foods and treats within those boundaries. When those boundaries are clear from the beginning, it is much easier to enjoy and indulge in safe foods. For example, gluten is a hard no for everyone in my family. If we can plan on seeking out gluten-free options going in, it’s easier to say no to some things and yes to others!

  3. Have Pre-made Treats On-Hand

    I always have approved treats already made at home, whether in the freezer or in a container on the counter. When going to an event where we might not be able to have a treat, we can either grab one to take with us, have one before we go, or indulge when we get back home. This way my kids—and who are we kidding, me—never feel deprived during the holidays! 

  4. Don’t Let Slip-Ups Get You Down

    If you do cheat or accidentally eat something you shouldn’t, don’t beat yourself up about it. Enjoy it, move on, and don’t to repeat it again.

  5. Commit to Being Strict at Home

    When at home, stick to your regular diet so when you are out and you do indulge, it’s not such a big deal. 


Holidays are a time to to have fun with friends and family… not a time to deprive and restrict ourselves. With that said, we do need to take care of ourselves, so be mindful, relax and enjoy! 

Wishing you wellness!

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CLEAN LIFE. Real World



Have questions, thoughts, or your own tips & tricks? I would love to hear from you! Let’s get social—find me on social media or share right here by using the comment box below.


The Party that Launched it All