The Party that Launched it All
Laura Jorn, Elena Peden (me) and Kathryn Swain
Well, maybe not the party that launched it ALL but certainly the party that got me to officially launch Clean Life Real World (CLRW). The plan was to have a Holiday Pop-Up shop for two of my friends, Kathryn Swain, owner of Colores Collective, and Laura Jorn, owner of Laura J Finery, in early December. I decided to have Beautycounter Holiday on display and we would kick off the Season.
BUT a couple of weeks before that, I had an idea… this party was about to expand!
When hosting an event, I always want to have plenty of food. I started planning my menu… I wanted people to try some of MY food. See, or taste, that my kind of cooking, full of “frees”, really is good and that you don’t even know what’s missing. Plus, have food to eat there as well as take home for kids and families to try too!
Muffins, Marshmallows, Pumpkin Cookies and Trash
I wanted people to recreate these foods at home and I needed a way for everyone to easily access these recipes beyond searching my Instagram feed… but how?
Clearly, I needed a website! I had been putting this off forever and now was the time to do it. As I started working on a site, I realized that putting a full website together in a couple of weeks was not realistic (in the way I envisioned it) but at least I could put the basics together… so I started working on it.
Homemade Marshmallows
Cashew Goat Cheese Torta, Spinach Artichoke Dip and Veggie Queso
However, I still needed another way to easily get the recipes to people… my Mini Cookbooks were born! Yes plural because one (1) wouldn't do… ha. I created a Welcome Cookbook with 12 of my go to recipes and a Holiday Cookbook with 16 of my favorites for the holidays. Some are staples, some new favorites and some are family recipes handed down for generations, adjusted to fit my dietary needs. Both would be available in print and electronic versions.
Next up, cooking and lots of it! Muffins, which my kids are obsessed with, were on the menu. A friend saw how I kept the mixes in glass jars and asked that I make her some too. Hmmm, another idea… Muffin Mixes, a Banana Muffin Mix and a Pumpkin Muffin Mix.
Add a cookbook and now we had a Holiday Bundle!
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins made with Assistance by Gardner, 2.
Pumpkin Muffin Mix
Holiday Mini Cookbook
I had no idea what feedback I would get and frankly, if anyone would be interested. Well, Dec 13, 2019 was the test… my first official products were put out there and the website was launched.
Kathryn sold her straw tote bags, kaftans plus some new Italian Leather bags. Laura sold her beautiful jewelry that's affordable and always easy to wear. And me… I sold Beautycounter and SO many Holiday Bundles!
We had soooo much fun and the food was loved. The muffins mixes and cookbooks sold out and I had to do a round two of production to finish the season! It was an overwhelming success with lots of interest and positive feedback!
It was a lot of work but oh so worth it… It was inspiring!
Thanks to all of you that encouraged me and made this a success. I am inspired and ready to take CLRW to the next level!
Have questions, thoughts, or your own tips & tricks? I would love to hear from you! Let’s get social—find me on social media or share right here by using the comment box below.